Istra ecoxperience, Žminj


A new approach to outdoor fun for families, companies and groups, with an emphasis on sustainability. We are located near Žminj, near the town of Pamići. Easy access and parking in the shade. Appointments must be booked in advance, preferably via WHATSAPP messages, and for World Tourism Day we offer "Family paintball", i.e. paintball in nature, for children from 9 years and older and adults, and "Axe throwing duel" exclusively for adults. Entry to FunFarm is free for content users, as is viewing old agricultural tools and the farm. Otherwise, we offer more content, such as TicTacToe in an active version, cornhole duel and other games and activities in the fresh air in nature. It is possible to pay by card or cash.

  • Angepasst an Menschen mit Behinderungen: NEIN
  • Bei Regen geöffnet: NEIN
  • Mit vorheriger Ankündigung: JA


Content 1:

  • Family paintball

    (Familien-Paintball 9+ Jahren)

  • Dauer:

    1,5 Stunde

  • Appointment: Samstag 28/09 und Sonntag 29/09

    10h, 12:30h, 15h

  • Ermäßigter Preis:

    Familien-Paintball, Preis 20,00 € -25 % = 15 € / Person / 100 Paintballs. Bedingungen für die Feier des Welttourismustags: Mindestens 6 Personen, maximal 12 Personen pro Gruppe oder Termin. Mindestalter des Spielers: 9 Jahre.

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Content 2:

  • Axe throwing duel


  • Dauer:

    ca. 1 Stunde

  • Appointment: Samstag 28/09 und Sonntag 29/09

    10h, 12:30h, 15h

  • Ermäßigter Preis:

    Axtwurfduell, Preis 13,30 € -25 % = 9,98 € / Duell (Paar). Voraussetzungen zur Feier des Welttourismustags: Mindestalter der Spieler: 18 Jahre.

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