Istra ecoxperience

Visit to the Pula Aquarium at promotional prices


The Aquarium in Pula is located in the 140-year-old Austro-Hungarian fortifications - the Verudela fortress and the San Giovanni battery, where a unique combination of natural and cultural heritage has been highlighted for more than 20 years. In Fort Verudela, at more than 2500 m² indoor and outdoor space, there is a rich display of the Mediterranean Sea, cold-water European rivers and the seasonal exhibition "walk with butterflies" The "Jellyfish Lab" and the multimedia exhibition dedicated to loggerhead turtles are particularly noteworthy. In the San Giovanni battery on more than 1500 m² it houses exotic tropical and freshwater exhibits, terrestrial reptiles and the Naval Collection of the Austro-Hungarian Navy.

  • Angepasst an Menschen mit Behinderungen: JA
  • Bei Regen geöffnet: JA
  • Mit vorheriger Ankündigung: NEIN


Content 1:

  • Visit to the Pula Aquarium

  • Dauer: 2 hours
  • Appointment: Samstag 28/09 und Sonntag 29/09

    9-21 (last entrance at 19:30)
  • Ermäßigter Preis: Aquarium Pula, on the occasion of World Tourism Day, grants all visitors a 25% discount on ticket prices. Adults – €17.25 (regular €23) Children 7-18 years old, pensioners, students – €15 (regular €20) Children 3-6 years – €12 (regular €16) Children up to 3 years old - free of charge
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