Istra ecoxperience

Museum of the city of Pazin


The Museum of the City of Pazin is the umbrella museum institution of central Istria. The museum is located in the Pazin Kastel with four permanent museum exhibitions: Bells from Istrian churches, Pazin culture from prehistory to the early Middle Ages, Bishop Dr. Juraj Dobrila - life and work, and Pazin Castle and serf revolts in the 15th century. and the 16th century. He also takes care of the structure of the dislocated permanent exhibition of the Museum located in the birthplace of Bishop Dobrila in Veli Ježenj. In addition to permanent exhibitions, visitors can view two occasional exhibitions - In nomine sancte... Castrum Pisinium, which is located in front of the castle itself, and the (P)azin Punk exhibition.

  • Angepasst an Menschen mit Behinderungen: NEIN
  • Bei Regen geöffnet: JA
  • Mit vorheriger Ankündigung: NEIN


Content 1:

  • Posjet muzeju uz snižene cijene ulaznica

  • Dauer:

    Otvoreni smo od 10:00 do 18:00

  • Appointment: Samstag 30/09 und Sonntag 01/10

    Od 10:00 do 18:00

  • Preis am Tourismustag:

    ODRASLI: 1,66 EUR ( 12,50 KN)


    Besplatan ulaz za osobe s invaliditetom, članovi strukovnih muzejskih društava i djeca do 7 godina

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